Requalification of a not visitable area in the famous botanic garden ‘’Hanbury’’

Requalification of  a not visitable area in the famous botanic garden ‘’Hanbury’’

Design finished (july 2010)

The project of requalification of the ‘’Rio’’ valley has been drawn in account for the superintendence of the Architectural, Landscape, Historic and Artistic Goods.
The aim of the requalification were mainly: the restoration of the rare water windmills system with its architectural elements, the restoration of the pathways network in the area, the renovation of the vegetation asset sewing up this part of the garden with the rest.
During the site analysis a few elements of historical importance have come to light including the ruins of an old stone building, presumably a Saracen tower.
The vegetation analysis has been extremely complex: it is not possible to introduce new plants species in the site due to its high botanical value which is still object of study from multiple experts in the field.
The phenomenon which is under study is the reproduction of foreign plants along with the local Mediterranean vegetation.
The project, divided in multiple plans and thick descriptive essay, is waiting for its funding in order to be fulfilled.

Redevelopment, Restoration